vistrax 3

Welcome and thank you for choosing vistrax - the digital visitor book. With vistrax you have acquired a professional software tool for logging and managing data for visitors in your company. This online help describes the functionality of the software.

This software is subject to a continual development process. The version you have purchased can be kept up to date via updates. Further information on the license model and update service is available at

Further Notes

Copyright Notice and Disclaimer

Copyright © 2013-2022 CONZE Informatik GmbH

vistrax All rights reserved.

This help may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the explicit written permission of CONZE Informatik GmbH (CONZE). The information contained in this help is subject to changes as standard. Please note that CONZE can assume no responsibility for loss or damage resulting from information included or omitted in this help.

Further legal information and conditions of use can be viewed at

We remain at all times grateful for suggestions for improvements or information regarding faults, which help us to provide you with an improved software product in the future.

Support Services

vistrax offers online support free of charge via email ( Inquiries regarding issues such as setting up and designing visitor documents or projectors are handled by service companies from CONZE’s network of partners.

Corporate clients have access to our service via telephone or the remote maintenance service.

Online FAQ and Tutorials

If you need additional assistance, please visit the vistrax website first. There you will find help in the online FAQ and tutorials section.


Extensions are available for download at