CHAPTER 1: First Steps

1. Initial Connection Setup

When you start vistrax for the first time following installation, the “vistrax Connection Settings” dialog will open. Here you can configure the database connection. Detailed information can be found in "Chapter 10 “Connection Settings”..

2. User Login and Logout

Logging in to vistrax requires a user name and password to be entered. User login data can be obtained from your system administrator. During login you can also select a mandator you have saved in the database using vistrax-Admin.

3. Menu Structure Overview

As soon as you have logged in to vistrax, you will arrive on the main page. The main page is divided into two key areas: “Menu bar” and “Workspace”.

You can access the system menu via the vistrax symbol in the upper left corner of the icons bar. The system menu allows you to perform system settings in vistrax. Alongside the online help you will also find further information on the product, ordering process and conditions of use.

The workspace will later display the various input dialogs. Changing between individual input dialogs is possible via the opened tabs.

The menu list allows you to access all functions required for general administration and the administration of visitors. The menu list is divided into different menu groups. These are each categorized thematically according to the functions available.

1. User

Here, the vistrax user currently logged in use the “Settings” to adjust individual user settings such as changing passwords, configuring the user interface and altering settings regarding logging and saving.

The filter function “Gates” allows the user to display all present and prepared visits according to the gate i.e. entrance or exit, selected.

2. Visitor Management

In the “Visitor management” area, users can check visitors in and out and prepare visits. Detailed information regarding registration and the login/logout process can be found in the “Registration” and “Login/Logout” chapters.

3. Data Mining

Data Mining enables visits which have taken place to be precisely analyzed using the Report function. Information on data mining can be found in Chapter 3 “Data Mining”.

4. Infrastructure

The master data required for visitor management (gates, buildings, employees, departments) is entered here. Further information on entering and maintaining the master data can be found in Chapter 4 “Infrastructure"..

5. Administration

The menu group “Administration” allows new user accounts to be created and user roles defined. Information on defining and managing user accounts and roles can be found in the Chapter 5 „Administration“.

6. Communication

“CTI Quick Telephone Call” allows you to begin telephone calls at the click of a mouse. The menu group is only displayed if the CTI Telephoning has been configured and activated (see Chapter 6 „CTI Telephoning“).

7. Checklists

By using the sub menus “Templates” and “Entries” you can edit the checklists. These functions are only available if the user has the appropriate rights.

4. First Steps after Installation

Before you can enter and manager visits following successful installation of vistrax, it is necessary to first enter the infrastructure data. This data is required for the registration and login/logout of visitors. As the master data elements build on one another consecutively, please ensure that you enter the data in the following order (from right to left):

a) Gates

Here you can add various gates. Gates can represent any exit or entrance such as physical gates or reception areas.

b) Buildings

Here you can add various buildings. Entering building data is required in order to enter data on divisions.

c) Divisions

Here you can add various departments. Entering department data is required in order to enter data on employees.

d) Employees

Here you can add various employees.

In order to use vistrax with multiple users, further users can be added alongside the “Administrator”. These users can be assigned user roles and permissions on an individual basis. Help on adding further users and defining user roles and permissions can be found in Chapter 5.