VI. Installation via Group Policy

The script GPOinstaller.ps1 is used for an automated installation and configuration of vistrax. The tools vistrax Admin or vistraxWelcome are currently not supported.

The scripts described below can be acquired from here:


If you like to run the install script as a Group Policy Object by your domaincontroller, you have to copy the scripts and the vistrax setup to your SYSVOL path. After that add the .bat file as a start script on your Windows Server. The minimum parameter in our batchfile, the vistrax version, have to be equal with your desired vistrax setup. After script start wait 5 minutes, so all predefined settings are loaded. For a detailed description of adding a GPO start script click here.

In order to execute the install script, the settings in the parameter list must first be set to or be passed with the call. Either the script is opened with an editor and in param()-Block or the call is completed with -[Parameter]:“[Value]” (see table below).


The installation of vistrax and the configuration of the database connection will be done with the following steps Administrator rights required.


During the installation with the help of the script, it creates a log on the target computer at %AppData%\CONZE Informatik\InstallerScript\log

For example calls or further information within the console, you can also use the Powershell function Get-Help -[examples|parameters|detailed|full] GPOinstaller.ps1 can be called. To see this -detailed or -full completly it may be necessary to increase the number of buffered lines within the Powershell.


Parameter Type Description Default value
installerLanguage Integer
Legt die Sprache der Installation fest.

deutsch: /exelang 1031

englisch: /exelang 1033

installerPath String path to installer
installerVersion String vistrax version to be installed by the script
installMode String Sets UI degree of installation to Silent (/qn,/quiet) Passive (/qb,/passive) or Full-UI (/qf) /qb
silentConfig bool Configuration of the database connection without UI feedback. This value needs to be set inside the script and cannot be set as parameter.
vxDbDriver String Choose database driver “msoledbsql” if you installed “Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server” before. [msoledbsql;sqloledb] sqloledb
vxDbAuthMode String Set to Windows to log in to the database via domain or Windows Credentials[server;windows] server
vxDbEncryption String Encrypted database connection, you can choose “forcednocert” if you set vxDbDriver to “msoledbsql”.\\[disabled,auto,forced,forcednocert] disabled
vxDbName String Name of Main Database VISTRAX
vxDbPacketSize Integer Packet size of the database connection 4096
vxDbPassword String Password of the admin user of the database VxAdmin4DB!
vxDbPort Integer Database Port 1433
vxDbServer String Database IP und instance name\VISTRAX
vxDbUseEncryptedPassword bool This flag is set when using an encrypted password previously generated with vistrax Admin or GPOPassEncrypter. This value needs to be set inside the script and cannot be set as parameter.
vxDbUser String Database user name SA
vxLdapAdsDomain String LDAP/ADS-Domain for vistrax user
vxLdapAdsPath String LDAP/ADS-Path for vistrax user
vxLicensePath String Path to vistrax license file C:\Users\[User]\Documents\vistraxLicense.vxl
vxLoadLicense bool Flag is set when a vistrax license file is supposed to be loaded. This value needs to be set inside the script and cannot be set as parameter.

If you want to use an encrypted form of the password, you can use the following options to generate an encrypted password in advance. For this purpose the script GPOpassEncryptor but vistrax Admin must be installed. The script is called via GPOPassEncryptor.ps1 [Password] or GPOPassEncryptor -password:“[Password]” is called.


Write down or copy the password, it will not be saved is still copied to the clipboard.