Table of Contents


CHAPTER 7: vistrax Server Settings

The vistrax Server settings are made from the “vistrax Server Settings” screen. This screen opens automatically the first time the software is started after installation. To open the screen again later to change the settings, start “vistrax Connection Settings” from the Windows Start menu.

The data entry screen consists of two parts. The first is the “vistrax Server” input screen, which runs as a service and is used by the various end applications to access the databases. The second is the “Proxy Server” input screen.

vistrax Server


This is where you enter the address (either a fully qualified host name or an IP address) at which the vistrax server can be reached.


The server's broadcast service allows other applications to search and find the server on the network via SSDP, provided this has been enabled in vistrax Config. To do this, click on the magnifying glass next to the host address and select the appropriate vistrax server from the list. Further information on configuring the broadcast service can also be found in the associated application help: vistrax Config.

Anschluss(Port)/ Protokoll:

Here you can specify the HTTP and HTTPS port through which the server instance can be reached.
Use port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS, click on the “Test Connection” button and you will receive a notification if the connection to the server was successful.
For more information, see hier.

Proxy Server


This is where you enter the address (either a fully qualified host name or an IP address) at which the proxy server can be reached.

User and Password (optional):

Optionally, the proxy server login information can be stored here.


The proxy server is only used if the connection details of the vistrax server and the proxy server differ in terms of IP address/host name. If the host addresses are identical, vistrax will connect directly to the vistrax server and ignore the proxy server.