Select the language in which the visitor registration should be proceeded. Available options are: English(en), German(de), French(fr), Spanish(es), Italien(it), Dutch(nl), Portuguese(pt), Polish(pl), Arabic(ar), Turkish(tr), Czech(cz), Russian(ru).
Specify the company, the visitor wishes to visit.
Information about the visitor's personal data (name, adress).
Additional personal data:
Specify the visitor's telephone number, e-mail adress and identity card number.
Details of the visitor's company:
Here you can either specify a visitor company or declare the visit as a personal visit. In case of a personal visit, no visitor company will be assigned to the visitor.
In the summary, all of the visitor provided data can be checked again and adjusted if necessary. After confirming the information, the visitor can either be created as a prepared visitor in vistrax or vistraxWeb. Afterwards the visitor can be registrered in vistrax (“Check-In”).