Start vistrax Admin. The dialog box “vistrax Admin Login” will open.
Click “Download & Install” to install a vistrax database instance. Select the database that most fits to your operating system and click “Download”. Select the path for saving the downloaded file and confirm with “Save”. After the download has finished, answer the question to open the download with “Yes”.
The access dialog box for the database installation will open.
Click “Install”. The preconfigured installation of Microsoft SQL Server will open. You just need to apply each step with “Next” and wait until the installation has finished.
Start vistrax Admin. The dialog box “vistrax Admin Login” will open. Enter the instance name, the login and the standard password of the SQL database administrator (cp. step 1). The authentication mode “SQL Server” can be left as it is. Click on “Login” and vistrax Admin will open.
In the next steps, follow the instructions to create: a) a main database b) a mandator database c) a database login
Regarding a) In order to create a main database for the first time, confirm the request “Would you like to create a new main database?” with “Yes” and click on “Create”. The main database and a Standard User Account will then be created. The standard user account enables subsequent login in vistrax and vistrax Welcome.
Regarding b) By following the instructions in the next step you can create a mandator.
Regarding c) In the following step, you can create a database login required to access the vistrax program. Choose and enter a login and a password. This information should be noted. Select the standard SQL account and follow the instructions. Database configuration is now fully completed.
a) Activate the TCP/IP protocol within the SQL Server instance.
If you have not installed a database instance using vistrax Admin (cp. 1), you must ensure that the TCP/IP protocol in your existing database is activated. To do this, open the SQL server configuration manager on the computer on which your database installation is located (Start menu → Microsoft SQL Server → Configuration Tools → SQL Server Configuration Manager). A tree view is located in the section on the left. Under “SQL Native Client x.x-Configuration (32-bit)“ and — if present —under “SQL Native Client x.x-Configuration”, select the item “Client Protocols”. The section on the right lists all protocols available. Right-click on “TCP/IP” to open a context menu, and then select the menu item “Activate”. In the tree view, select the relevant database instance under “SQL Server Network Configuration” and use the context menu to activate the item “TCP/IP” here as well. Having competed the changes, the SQL instance must be restarted. This is done by clicking the item “SQL Services” in the tree view. The section on the right lists all SQL instances available on the server. Right-click to open a context menu for the relevant instance and select the item “Restart”.
b) Adjust the firewall rules.
If vistrax installations from other computers are intended to have access to your database, you must ensure that access is not blocked by an installed firewall. For a named instance, UDP port 1434, which refers to the SQL Server Service, needs to be opened. In addition, a TCP/UDP Port must be opened for the executable SQL server file. The default path is usually “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL[Version].[INSTANCENAME]\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe”. [Version] depends on your MSSQL instance version, [INSTANCENAME]. must be replaced by the name of your database instance.
With a standard instance without a name, TCP port 1433 must be opened.
If you use Windows Firewall, more information is available at the following links:
c) Set the Server-Authentication Mode.
If you have not installed a database instance using vistrax Admin, you need to change the server authentication mode in the security options during the installation. Set the mode to „SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode”.
Start “vistrax Connection Settings” from the Windows Start Menu. The configuration dialog will be displayed, enter the login and the password from IV. 2. a). By clicking “Test connection”, you are able to test the connection between vistrax and the main database you have created. Apply your settings by clicking “OK”. Now you can start “vistrax” from the Windows Start Menu. The vistrax login opens. To log in to vistrax, enter the standard user account data (cp. IV. 2.a) and click on “Login”. If you have a valid license, you can activate it by using the configuration dialog.
You must first register vistrax Welcome separately. You can find information about this here.
Then repeat the above steps.